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Friday, 15 April 2011

This has Gotta Be The Good Life-

I have failed on the constant blog updates , which makes me sad , but i have been pretty
busy this past week. I have been Loving Half term although i seem to have negelected
my revision and so i feel really bad , anyway here are just some brief pictures , funnily
enough they are all of my hands/wrists ... yay!

so i did my nails this week with a "half moon" manicure which is all over the catwalks
right now , i really love it although it's slightly annoying when the colours merge and
you have to start again : /  Along with that i got some lovely rings from the topshop
sale along with some temporary tattoos which may seem very childish but i think they
are pretty cool  , They remind of when Chanel had them on their catwalks last year i do
believe ?  which were so so beautiful.

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket


Sorry this is such a short rubbish-y post but i have recently sorted my tumblr so check it
out and i promise promise promise to do more posts , comemnts are lovedd ☮


  1. I love those temporary tattoos, I would definitely buy the chanel ones if they weren't so pricey.

  2. Love it!!



interesting comments ☮