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Friday, 8 April 2011

It is what it is-

So , I'm guessing i would give the impression of being a lazy blogger , right? .. wrong. i am
in fact a girl who is contantly bogged down with work , whether it be textiles revision
(may i mention my teacher has given me literally all the past paper questions she could
find ?) or trying to defy the odds that my terrible English teacher has ruined my chance at
an A... whatever though because now its HALFTERM , and although i will studying the
majority, i will in fact also have a few days for fun (:

In which i am hoping to take a view pictures for this lovely little blog here and do as many
posts as i can , but for now all am doing is trying to be less tired after my fab day at the river
and read my grazia , please enjoy this horrible webcam picture , haah (:


I'm guessing I'm not the only one who consistently flicks through the pages of magazines to
find that their lusted after items are in fact hundreds of pounds?
Anywhoo hope everyone had a great day , posts coming up for the next two weeks
including some possible shots from my "prom dress shopping day" with my mum and friend
oh the joy i can't wait to be bombarded with taffeta and sequins , much love as always my lovely
readers ☮


  1. Love your cute tights in the outfit post below. :)

    The Cat Hag

  2. i have so many items from magazines in my wish list right now !

  3. well thank you for such lovely comments (: x

  4. Gosh just lusted over items worth £100's a few minutes ago! Thank you for your comment too, sorry for the late reply, I've been away. Though I've got new posts up now! Izzy xx


interesting comments ☮