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Monday, 21 February 2011

We Are The Constellations in The Sky-

So this halfterm it all kicked off with yet another 16th Birthday party , this time in a
club venue , well everyone always gets dressed up for parties like this and so i was
no different although i had considerably less flesh on show compared to others.
I suppose i've always been a believer in dressing for yourself, not to show off or fit
the aesthetic of what guys want .. anyway i shan't rant , i'll just show my outfit (;

So the base of my outfit was this beautiful dress i bought from Motel , which is actually
not their own brand , the skirt is made from recycled vintage material & i love it definatly
a good buy. I suppose you could say i built up a bit of a black and gold colour scheme to
go with this dress matching the accesories and shoes , at first i could'nt choose which shoes
to wear but in the end went with the simple black crossover tie up heels.

My favourite accesory of the night being my "dream" bracelet from swarovski , i'm a magpie
so the sparkles really suit my taste. I paired the dress with a simple blazer for a more classy
look and thats it really ... It was a really lovely party with the Birthday girl wearing a "mullet"
dress in a lime green colour with an embellished bodice area , very prom looking & very lovely.
As it's halfterm i suppose i may do a few more outfit posts (more interesting outfits) , anyway
thats enough from me for now , comments very much  appreciated my lovelies ☮



  1. nice pictures, i like the dress :)

    hope you'll visit/follow

  2. thank-you for the comment my lovely,
    oh my goodness thank-you for introducing me into them before they are gorgeous! so sparkly yummy! <3

  3. thanks for all the comments (:
    and yesh bordello shoes are a thing of beauty
    aha x

  4. shoesss!:) and that's true.. dressing for yourself, not for others.

  5. You have really nice shoes! But these were definitely looking great with the outfit :)
    You rocked it!


interesting comments ☮