Well why don't i just begin by saying , yes i do realise i am most probably THE most neglectful
blogger of 2011 but i come to you today with the news that summer has now began ! praise the
heaven's i am so happy and have a few (terrible) pictures of my first summer outfit.
Very simple and in my opinion boring but i did team it with a blazer and the cutest flats i own
although i decided to picture my new shoes which i bought under the pretense that i would at
least wear them to prom , they do make me 6ft2 though and so i look slightly giant in
comparison to ... well , everyone. But that's another thing to look foward to , my prom outfit !
Its very long flowing with soft structuring and the slightest grecian theme , oh i love it and i hope
everyone else will too, and along with that if anyone could kindly give me hair style ideas i would
love you forever , i always do the same thing and so i want to be different for prom.
Anyway i show leave you with the pictures and apoligies for this rushed post , more to come soon!
comments are loved and i really appreciate each and every one of my followers no matter how little
i have ☮